Friends, Bloggers and Innocent Passers By....Lend Me Your Eyes

Thursday 12 February 2009

And so ladies and gents, my search for a job started. I attended interview after interview, each one making me a little bit more aware of my worth in the corporate market. Having just left college and with no work experience, I soon realised that finding a job wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

"So why do you want to be a telesales agent?"
"I believe that my communication skills and my ability to influence others will stand me in good stead for this role and ensure my success. I am confident I can gain buy in from the customer into any product by promoting the features and specific benefits to the customer".

Now, my parents have always told me honesty is the best policy but having researched on interview techniques, difficult interview questions & answers and what makes a good sales person I knew that this answer would work a lot better than the truth. Something told me that-

"I've spent 4 years dossing at college and now my dad's figured out that if I stay on at college much longer, my biology, chemistry and physics a' levels would result in a very physical proof of my obvious chemistry with the fairer sex in the form of a biological offspring- not quite the 3 A*s that his hoping for and so I need to find a job"

-wouldn't have the desired effect. Anyway, I digress. I sat there feeling very proud of myself, having managed to answer the question using the exact answer from one of the websites. This job was in the bag, baby..........or so I thought.

"So, you've not actually worked before?"

"Well, I have been helping my cousin run his shop on the weekends for the last 12 months, dealing with the customers queries both face 2 face and over the phone, promoting the various products and dealing with the entire sales process."

Again, a slight deviation from the truth. I hadn't been helping my cousin run his cousin didn't have a fact, I didn't have a cousin....

To cut a long story short, although I was becoming a very natural liar, glibly rolling answers taken off the computer screen, off my tongue,I was no nearer to getting a job, until one day I saw an ad in the paper:

Wanted. 25 Marketing staff. Become a Manager in 8 weeks with our fantastic programme. Earn upto £300 a week.


1 comment:

  1. hilarious. I will check your blog on a regular basis
