Friends, Bloggers and Innocent Passers By....Lend Me Your Eyes

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Independance Continued.................

So where was I? Oh yeah, at my parents door. Lovely door, why didn't I ever take the time to notice it before. This was no ordinary door, this was a beacon of hope, it concealed behind it a safe harbour from the evil world of responsibility.... or so I thought.

I sat on the sofa, unable to look at my parents. My mother shuffled into the kitchen and true to form, reappeared with a platter of food...(how does she do it? note to self...make sure next time i follow her and see where I went wrong). "You haven't been eating properly have you, look at you..."my mum said to me. I put on my forlorn face and just nodded. My dad said soemthing about me being fine and for her to stop smothering me. I stared at my mother, my eyes pleading, begging for her to carry on, hoping that she would give me a lifeline.

"He can't go back to that flat....look at him" she said to my dad. My dad stared at me and my Ego suddenly appeared to stare back at him. It took a few seconds for me to slap it into submission with memories of where we would end up if it didn't back down right now. All of the little things from the last 3 days sprang to mind and my Ego skulked into a corner.

I told my dad that I had learnt some valuable lessons and was a better man for the experience. I told him about the heights of maturity that I had scaled and how I was ready to take my future by the scruff of it's neck and shake it into shape.

"Good, because I've been lookingthrough the Evening Mail and theres loads of jobs in there...why don't you give some of these guys a ring?"

"Hunh?" I thought I had just heard my dad say he wanted me to try and find a job....

"Evening Mail, it's got loads of jobs.....why don't you phone some of them?"


To be continued............


  1. Pure Talent! You got it! Thanks, I enjoyed it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Un - believable. I hope they're happy with the torment they're causing you.
    You didn't ask to be born!

    Nice start, by the way!


  4. Good story, I can see myelf being on the other side of it in a couple of years time when my son does the same thing. I may have show him this blog.


  5. Nice blog. Thanks for the visit to mine. I'll be checking back :)

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